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The Rule of the Templars
By J. M. Upton-Ward
The complete rule of the Knights Templar as translated fron a French manuscript. The Rule lays out the day to day living, dress, arming and equiping of the Knights, Sergeants, and Serving Brothers of the Templars. We hold this to be definative authority of life in the Order. In various forms, the contents can be found on line. Varirations are known to exhist.
Rules, Statutes, and Customs of the Hospitallers.
By the Knights of Malta
The complete rule of the Hospitallers as founded and expounded on by Raymond Du Puy.
Published by The Knights of Malta and last reprinted in 1981,, this is the Rule of the Order. While this book is extremely hard to find, its contents can be found on line and are the definitive authority of life in the Order.
Rules, Statutes, and Customs of the Teutonic Knights
The rule, statutes, and customs of the Teutonic Order (Deutschen Orden), also known as the Teutonic Knights, or Brothers, of the Hospital of St. Mary of the German House in Jerusalem, in 3 parts: 1. The rule and life of the order (f. 2v-8v), including a prologue (f. 2v-3r) that discusses the order's founding in 1190, 2. the statutes, or laws, of the order (f. 9r-16r), 3. and the customs, or other laws (alia statuta), of the order (f. 16r-22r). The conclusion of the third section is followed by papal and imperial indulgences, or confirmations (f. 22r-22v), and then by papal benedictions in Latin (f. 22v-23r). The original manuscript seems to have been part of a larger work (Sterns); the remnants of a finding tab (f. 2) mark the beginning of the text. Again, the translated Rule can be found on line, as translated by Prof. Indrikis Sterns.
Teutonic helmets (study)
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